

The Association shall be called the Wild Goilers Association.



The objectives of the Association shall be:-

1. to conserve, observe, record and better understand the natural heritage of the Loch Goil area and their flora and fauna.

2. a local interest group established to promote education, understanding, renewal, conservation and protection of our outstanding local ecology. 

3. to engage with, and encourage, the community to sustainably enjoy the land and water as a resource for recreational, educational and health activities, improve access and promote

responsible and ecologically sensitive use.

4. Establish key local collaborative links:

Lochgoilhead Primary School, Loch Goil Community Trust,  Loch Goil Community Council, Cormonachan Community Woodlands, Carrick Castle Community Trust, Lochgoilhead Scout Centre, Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre,

5. Seek funding for agreed projects and initiatives.


FULL Membership

The Association is open to anyone who lives, has a residence or works in the Loch Goil area

and subscribes to the above objectives.

Membership is annual and is £5 per person or £10 for a family from 1st October annually


Friends of Wild Goilers Association is open to anyone outside the Loch Goil area

and subscribes to the above objectives. They would not have the right to Vote or become a Committee member.

Membership is annual and is £5 per person or £10 for a family from 1st October annually



The Association shall be managed by a Committee with a minimum of 4

members and a maximum of 6 who shall be elected at the Annual General

Meeting. Members of the Committee may serve for 1 year and be re-elected each year.


Powers of the Committee

• the Committee may co-opt members.

• the Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy which may occur during the year.

• the Committee may raise funds in support of the aims of the Wild Goilers Association and maintain a bank account.


Election of Office Bearers

A Chairperson, Secretary, Membership and Treasurer and other office bearers of the

Association's Committee shall be elected annually at the AGM and

shall continue in office for the ensuing year.


Procedure at Meetings

A quorum for meetings of the Association's Committee shall be 3. Voting will be

by a show of hands and in the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson will have

a second casting vote. The Committee may invite other people to attend the

meeting but those attending by invitation will not have voting rights.


General & Annual General Meetings

The Committee of the Association will meet a minimum of 3 times per annum

and will hold an Annual General Meeting each year. Members shall be notified in writing

of the date of the Annual General Meeting 21 clear days in advance. A

Quorum for an Annual General Meeting shall be 5.


Special/ Extraordinary Meetings

The Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting at any time upon

receiving a request signed by not fewer than 5 members. 12 days notice of all

Special /Extraordinary General Meetings and of all motions to be proposed shall be sent to

all members. No other business shall be discussed.


Alteration of Constitution

Notice of any proposed alteration in the Constitution shall be made in writing

to the Secretary not later than 21 days before the date of the Annual General

Meeting. Notice of any proposed alteration shall be sent to all members at

least 7 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. No alteration to

the Constitution shall be passed unless supported by at least two thirds of

those present at the meeting.


Financial Procedures

The funds of the Association shall be managed by the Treasurer and the

accounts shall be inspected annually by a competent person. All cheques

issued on behalf of the Association must be signed by 2 of 3 registered

signatories on the Association's Bank Mandate authorised by the Association Committee.


Dissolution of the Association

In the event that the members decide to dissolve the Association, the

committee will arrange for any funds remaining in the bank account to be

handed over to a group which has similar aims.